[H390-VM] REXX
billb32767@yahoo.com [H390-VM]
2018-10-19 22:03:48 UTC
Any idea's on how to use REXX? I'm running the sixpack 1.2. The readme says "The BREXX interpreter is integrated into CMS". I saw 2 EXEX's in maint, REXXTEST and REXTRY, but I can't get either to run.
'Dave Wade' dave.g4ugm@gmail.com [H390-VM]
2018-10-19 23:26:04 UTC
I am nor a mind reader so when you sat “I can’t get either to run” I can’t say why.

I suspect you are trying from MAINT. MAINT is a bit funny. Try from CMSUSER (password is the same)


From: H390-***@yahoogroups.com <H390-***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: 19 October 2018 23:04
To: H390-***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [H390-VM] REXX

Any idea's on how to use REXX? I'm running the sixpack 1.2. The readme says "The BREXX interpreter is integrated into CMS". I saw 2 EXEX's in maint, REXXTEST and REXTRY, but I can't get either to run.